Audi BCM2 SmartKeys are used in many models of Audi cars during a dozen years.
Large market demand for these keys noticed some producers of electronics, and made own keys - "emulators" of Audi BCM2 keys. Currently, there are many versions of such emulators from various producers; You can find it e.g. at KYDZ, JMD, Abrites offer,
as well as many versions from china "without the brand".
Most of Audi BCM2 key emulators from the chinese market are offered without keyless support and describes as compatible with 8T0959754C, 8T0959754J, 8T0959754D and 8T0959754H OEM keys.
Abrites offer emulators with markings TA9/TA10/TA11 (without keyless), TA44/TA46/TA47 (without keyless), TA48/TA50 (with keyless) and describes as "The fully functional keys to be programmed to all AUDI vehicles equipped with a BCM2 immobiliser".
Audi BCM2 SmartKey Emulators can be an alternative for OEM keys, but not all of these products are fully compatible.
However, it's good that we have more choice. Now we can choose whether we will use: one of the many versions of the emulator,
the original key, the used original key that we can renew, and even a used emulator that we can sometimes renew also.
Emulators of Audi BCM2 keys can be programmed similar as Audi OEM keys. For emulators with PCF7945AC you can done the same and with the same tools as with the original keys. Of course, the "virgin" file will be different, dedicated to each type/version of the emulator; Such file - you have to get or buy on your own.
We provide one "virgin" file for chinese emulator PCB v.100662 (~8T0959754x 315MHz) with PCF7945AC for free. You can use it for other chinese emulators also, but most of it will not work correctly with the remote control (immo will works ok).